Single CD's

  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD When we received Jesus as Lord we got so much more than just a ticket to heaven. We received Him and He lives in us. We are containers for Jesus to live in. His DNA will manifest in us. As we get to know Him, He will be revealed, glorified and reproduced in and through us to proclaim Him to this dark and dying world.
  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD There is an attitude—that as believers—we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and the devil is always trying to strip us of that attitude. When he does, we need to stand our ground. We must know who we are and act accordingly. As we maintain an attitude of total dominion and authority over him and resist him, we will overcome him every time.
  • Kelly Lynnes - 1 CD Caleb received his promised land at the age of 85 because he had another spirit—a spirit of faith. Unlike the 10 spies that were moved by what they saw, Caleb was moved by the promise of God. This message will encourage you to rise up in faith and possess all that belongs to you through the redemptive work of Christ.
  • Kelly Lynnes - 1 CD There is power in corporate prayer. This message will encourage you to prayer with others. However praying in a small prayer group is different than praying on your own. You will learn basic principles of group prayer that help your to more effectively prayer with others. A very practical teaching that you can put to use in your next prayer meeting.
  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD Have you ever been overwhelmed by all of the things that must be done in your life. Has your life seemed too complicated at times? Wouldn't it be nice if there was just ONE THING that you could do that would generate the grace and power required to live a life pleasing to God and enable you to reach your destiny--and finish your course with joy.
  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD God has a plan for your future and it is bright. In order to get His plan for your life, you must learn how to listen to Him and turn a deaf ear to all of the other voices in the world. As you connect with Him, He will speak to you and enable you to rise up overcome every form of resistance and possess all of the land that is rightfully yours In Christ.
  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD One of the most important things we can do to live in victory, is to learn how to live by faith. It is how we please God and how we receive His promises. There is both rest and exertion in faith. We have a part to play. We are either standing in faith or retreating. This message will encourage you not to quit, but to rise up and fight the good fight of faith.
  • Gina Lynnes - 1 CD Psalm 65:11 NKJV - You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance. In this message you will learn 7 vital steps you can take to walk in a year full of God's goodness and abundance.
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