
  • Praying for Our Nation

    I have a confession to make. Some time ago I got tired of praying for our government, so I stopped. Yes, I felt guilty about it. Yes, I knew I was breaking the Bible rule about praying first for kings and those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1). But I [...]

  • A Prayer God Will Answer

    I hope I never forget what the Spirit of the Lord said to me on September 11th, as I watched the towers of the World Trade center flare then crumble in smoke and ashes just a few hours from my home. It’s not what I would have expected Him [...]

  • Easier Said Than Done

    Simply put two drops in each ear. It doesn’t sound like the punch line of a joke, but it is. At least, my parents thought so when I was a kid. Whenever something turned out to be waaay harder than anyone expected, they would burst out laughing and say [...]

  • Trust…and Play Free

    Last night the coach of the Boston Celtics preached a great message. (Too bad his team didn’t listen.) He said, “Guys, trust! If you trust, you’ll play free. And if you play free, you can’t be beaten.” Whoa…good stuff, Doc. Not just for NBA players but for those of us [...]

  • Did We Lose Something?

    It happened before I was born, but as a kid I heard the story many times. About my dad, mom and sister rumbling down the Oklahoma highway in a Studebaker headed for grandma’s house. The sweet smell of summer streaming through the car’s open window. My sister’s cherub-blonde hair whipping [...]

Lean into It

I am, for the most part, allergic to success books. Whenever someone tells me to define my long-term goals or make a 5-year plan, I get hives and start to scratch myself. That’s because [...]

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