
About Gina Lynnes

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So far Gina Lynnes has created 20 blog entries.

Worth the Wait

Do you ever wonder if something is lacking in our spiritual diet these days? Does it ever seem to you that many contemporary Christians seem kind of...anemic ? That we lack the robust, rugged endurance, the commitment and character of believers in ages past? Our hearts are not of inferior quality. No, we’re cut from the same divine cloth. Born again in the same image of Jesus that produced missionaries and martyrs of days gone by, our spiritual genes are identical to theirs. But sometimes we seem so weak [...]

No More Magic Plates

Sometimes I forget about the devil. I’m embarrassed to admit it. But it’s true. I get so enamored with my Lord, so caught up in my fellowship with Him that I neglect to keep a proper eye on the fiend who is—always—lurking about, scheming to steal what the Master has promised to give me. Such forgetfulness is costly. It leads to frustration and needless delays. It leaves me scratching my head, puzzling over why progress is some area of my life has stopped. Unaware of the devil sneaking around [...]

Water Your World

The mouth of the righteous is a well of life... (Proverbs 10:11) Spoken words of love, faith, gratitude, and encouragement cause the garden of our lives to flourish. Leaving them unspoken deadens it with drought. What would happen if every day, on purpose, we drew from our well and drenched our whole world with life-giving words? How would the landscape of our lives be changed if day after day we made it a priority to water the people around us--especially those with wilted leaves and drooping countenance--by showering them with refreshing words of grace? The Lord [...]

Head for Higher Ground

When trouble threatens, the best thing to do is head for higher ground. That’s a solid, scriptural truth. But I didn’t learn it first from the Bible. I figured it out at my grandmother’s house when I was a little girl trying to escape my great uncle Willard’s hugs. Dear old Uncle Willard hugged like a python. Bless his heart, he meant well. But, as a lumber-jack of a man who spent his days clearing Oklahoma oak thickets with an axe, he didn’t know his own strength. (And since he [...]

Don’t Spoil the Surprise

God is into surprises. Really into them. He thinks they’re fun. He wants me to think they’re fun too, but to be honest, I’m not always on the same page with Him about it. Sometimes I get cranky when I ask Him what’s going to happen about this or that and He says, It’s a surprise! Anybody who thinks He doesn’t say that has never read the Bible. It’s full of surprises front to back. It tells about a God who says things like, Leave your country and your father’s [...]

Your Father Will Give You a Hand

God doesn’t answer scared prayers. I heard somebody say that one time. Quoting a kid from the backwaters of Missouri, they mimicked his accent and it came out this way. God don’t answer skeert prayers. There’s some truth in that for sure. Prayers of faith are what move mountains. Prayers of faith are what please God. And you can’t pray in faith and be skeert at the same time. That’s why Jesus said, “Fear not. Only believe.” Because skeert, if we let it run loose, will chase away faith. So [...]

Someone Is Following You

Watching the Winter Olympics reminds me afresh that I am not an athlete. I will never swoosh and carve my way down slopes of sugary snow to a proud place on the podium. I will never have an athletic shoe named after me. No cereal box will ever sport my smiling face. Still, I trot laps around the health club each morning. Daniel Webster says that to trot means: to go at a gait between a walk and a run. That pretty well describes what I do...and I do [...]

Your Dream Lives

The other day while praying with some friends, I found myself on Old Testament Mount Moriah. I was surprised to be there. A split second before I’d been huddled in front of the fireplace staving off the shivers of the Colorado cold. The Rockies are a long way from the Middle East, but you know how it is. When God gets involved the most unexpected things can happen. To be clear, it was no literal translation. My arms still clutched the oversized throw pillow I like to hug when [...]

Lean into It

I am, for the most part, allergic to success books. Whenever someone tells me to define my long-term goals or make a 5-year plan, I get hives and start to scratch myself. That’s because decades ago, back when I was the lord of me instead of Jesus, I wrecked my life (and some other people’s too) making my own plans and pursing my own goals. Been there, done that, don’t want to go back, thank you. Recently, however, strolling through Barnes and Noble on the way to the Christian [...]

Out Standing in My Field

Cool thing happened yesterday. A pastor friend of mine in Pennsylvania bumped into a woman in the locker room at her gym who was reading my book, God's Power for Healing. Turns out, the lady needs healing for her son and the book is blessing her. My friend struck up a conversation and, long story short, the lady wants to attend the Bible study at my friend’s church. In her email about it, my friend also told me that another woman in her church who was diagnosed with an [...]

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